March 18, 2008

AWKWARD TURTLEs 15 and 16 : wildlife week

Hope spring break was manageable for most.
Let's get right to it, as I should be going to my psychopharmacology class soon.

#-15 : Swans

"One of my faves..." says Stephen Winchell
Hebert and Groper gave it two nubs up

#16 : A Doe, a Deer, A F$%#ing Obnoxious Deer

They really do this. I seens it.
Try not to go skydiving and have the parachute accidentally not deploy this week, okay? Try not to do that.

-turt mcgurt

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About the Awkward

Willington, CT, Mozambique
I am a 21 year old college student in the woods in Connecticut. I enjoy su doku, a good movie, and obligatory references,